Regenerative Medicine and Orthobiologics: PRP and more

Regenerative Medicine

Want to prevent or delay surgery? Improve pain? Regenerative medicine offers cutting-edge, evidence-based techniques that help your body heal itself.

Learn more about Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC) below. 

Conditions Regenerative Medicine and Orthobiologics Can Treat

Regenerative Medicine and Orthobiologics can help treat the following conditions:

  • Chronic tendon injuries
  • Degenerative disk disease
  • Spine pain in neck or back
  • Joint pain: including knee, hip, shoulder, and sacroiliac joints
  • Joint pain: hips, shoulders, knees, and spine
  • Discogenic back pain

How Regenerative Medicine and Orthobiologics Works

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a mainstay of regenerative medicine and refers to a concentrated component of a patient’s normal blood. To obtain PRP, a blood sample is taken and a centrifuge is used to separate and concentrate the platelets. When there is an injury, platelets assist with the healing process by forming a clot to stop bleeding, and by delivering cytokines and growth factors to the site of injury to help the healing process. The FDA considers this technique experimental, but it has been done safely and effectively for many patients.

PRP is used to treat:

  • chronic tendon injuries
  • degenerative disk disease
  • spine pain in neck or back
  • joint pain: including knee, hip, shoulder, and sacroiliac joints

If you want to jumpstart and shorten the healing process after an injury, or delay or prevent surgery, PRP may be beneficial for you. To find out, an appointment can be made with Dr.  Pollard to discuss your individual situation. If orthobiologics are right for you, she will ensure everything is optimized for the best possible outcome. If you take any blood thinners or NSAID medications, she will help make a plan to hold these.

PRP injections are minimally invasive and can be done in the outpatient, office setting. It takes about 45 minutes to have this procedure completed and can be safely done with or without sedation.

Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC)

Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC) uses your body’s own stem cells and growth factors to help the body heal itself and reduce pain. BMAC is an autologous product, which means it comes from the patient and returns to the same patient.

For this therapy, your own bone marrow is taken and a centrifuge is used to create a concentrate to be administered to a site of injury. This concentrate, called BMAC, contains the patient’s own mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which assist with and speed the recovery process. This therapy is also considered experimental by the FDA, but has been done very safely and routinely.

This technique can be applied to many locations including joints such as hips, shoulders, knees, and the joints of the spine. The technique can also be used for discogenic back pain. Dr. Pollard may decide to combine BMAC with PRP to optimize your outcome, depending on what area is being treated.

Dr. Pollard will obtain the bone marrow from your iliac bone, which is a large bone that makes up the hip area. Local anesthetic is used to numb the area. Patients typically receive some mild to moderate sedation and tolerate the procedure well. This procedure can be done in the office, in about 1-2 hours. There is no recovery after, and minimal restrictions to follow for a short time

If you are interested in this exciting therapy, please make an appointment with Dr. Pollard. You will learn if you are a candidate for orthobiologics, and make an individualized plan tailored to you. Dr. Pollard may ask you to hold certain medications including blood thinners and NSAIDs such as ibuprofen. She may get some simple blood work and/or imaging of the painful site prior to the procedure.